O projektu STEMajmo



Project manager: Ministry of Regional Development and Funds of the EU

Coordinator: OŠ „Antun i Stjepan Radić“ Gunja

Partners on the project:

Project value: 6.661.369,81 kn (884.585,33 €)


The goal of the project is to strengthen STEM skills and create new STEM content in elementary school education for five elementary schools in rural areas of VSŽ. The planned activities are the education of teachers and students (including students with disabilities) and the implementation of acquired skills in the daily educational process. Through an innovative and interdisciplinary way, through the modernization and equipping of biology, chemistry, technical culture and informatics classrooms, the establishment of outdoor classrooms and gardens, the project will bring the field of STEM closer to children of primary school age, make it interesting and additionally direct them to the future needs of the labor market through cooperation with educational institutions, Norwegian partners, civil society organizations and local companies.

• natural sciences (chemistry, physics, nature and society, biology, geography, technical culture) and mathematics
• information and communication technology in education
• inclusive education
• entrepreneurship, skills development and better employment opportunities
• active citizenship

• Through the education of teachers and other educational workers of the school
• By applying informal training programs in the fields of STEM
• By developing new teaching models in STEM
• By revising school curricula in the field of STEM and active citizenship
• Study visits to the Republic of Croatia and the Kingdom of Norway
• Through cooperation with partners

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