Category: News

The final and at the same time the third media conference of the project was held

U petak, 12.04., održana je završna konferencija projekta Unaprjeđenje infrastrukture i poboljšanje STEM vještina u osnovnim školama Vukovarsko-srijemske županije. Svojim prisustvom konferenciju su uveličali pročelnica Upravnog odjela za obrazovanje i društvene djelatnosti Jadranka Mustapić-Karlić, načelnik Općine Gunja gosp. Anto Gutić te predstavnici općina Drenovci, Cerna i Nijemci. Ovim putem im se još jednom zahvaljujemo. […]

The second media conference was held

On March 6, 2024, the second media conference of the project "Improving infrastructure and improving STEM skills of elementary schools in Vukovar-Srijem County" was held. The conference was held in the premises of the Gradište Elementary School. The speakers were: Mario Dominković, principal of Gradište Elementary School and Željka Zečević-Tadić, project coordinator. Both of them complemented their presentation with presentations. The topics of the media conference were: educations where [...]

The first media conference was held

On 29.1.2024. the first media conference of the project "Improving infrastructure and improving STEM skills of primary schools in Vukovar-Srijem County" was held. The conference was held in the premises of Elementary School "Antun i Stjepan Radić" in Gunja. The speakers were: Zvonimir Gutić, project manager and Ivana Rendulić, teacher and project participant. Both of them complemented their presentation with presentations. The topics of the media conference were: [...]

Merry Christmas!

All activities related to the Project will be carried out until Friday, after which the school holidays will follow, and we will continue with the activities in January. The director, manager and coordinator wish you a blessed Christmas and a happy and successful new year!

It shone in Lipovac!

The employees of Partner No. 5, Lipovac Primary School, worked hard and as part of the school's preparation for Christmas, with the help of the students, beautifully decorated the new outdoor classroom, the construction of which was fully financed with the funds of the STEMajmo project. Candles, decorations and good will were needed for the decoration. We will not delay, we will leave you to enjoy the wonderful scenes.

The Project holder is equipped with a workshop for technical culture!

We are happy to announce the completion of equipping the workshop for technical culture in Elementary School "Antun i Stjepan Radić in Gunja". The workshop is equipped with all necessary materials and machines. Immediately after finishing the furnishing, the hard-working students together with the teachers threw themselves into the preparation of decorations and Christmas decorations that will adorn the school during the coming holiday season.  

New STEM workshops for students

U četvrtak 26.10.2023. učenici sudionici projekta STEMajmo započeli su novi set radionica koje se održavaju u OŠ “Antun i Stjepan Radić” u Gunji. Kao i za sve edukacije, učenici imaju organiziran prijevoz i pratnju nastavnika. Radi se o STEM radionicama koje su iznimno dinamične i zanimljive, a obuhvaćaju sadržaje vezane za predmete: biologija, fizika, kemija, […]

Study trip to the Kingdom of Norway

U sklopu provedbe Projekta „Unaprjeđenje infrastrukture i poboljšanje STEM vještina u osnovnim školama Vukovarsko-srijemske županije“ planirano je putovanje norveških partnera u Hrvatsku, također i putovanje hrvatskih partnera u Norvešku. O dolasku norveških partnera u Hrvatsku smo vas izvijestili u svibnju, a u nastavku možete saznati kako je prošao posjet hrvatskih partnera Kraljevini Norveškoj. 29.8.2023. u […]

The storm damaged almost all the schools involved in the Project

19.7.2023. našu regiju zahvatilo je snažno nevrijeme koje je nažalost ostavilo razorne tragove kako na školama, tako i na obiteljskim kućama i gotovo svim gospodarskim subjektima. Uništen je dio škola u Gunji, Gradištu i Cerni. Kada govorimo o snažnom nevremenu mislimo na veoma intenzivne pljuskove, krupan grad, jaku grmljavinu i, najgore od svega, olujne i […]

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